Category Archives: Class of 2011-2012

Thoughts About Multiplication

We are deeply into learning multiplication facts, and will finish the 0 – 10 times tables in a couple of days.  The kids are highly motivated to use flash cards.  If you have some this is a great time to break them out and play with them with your child.  We won’t venture into multiplying two digit numbers for awhile yet, so I would hold off on doing that for now.

There are many web sites that offer math practice activities.  Simply googling math games for kids should lead you to many choices.  Some are better than others. Check out some sites and let your child try them out.  They can be a good way to practice facts and other math games.

Along those lines, you can now access our textbook online.  A paper went home yesterday explaining how to do this.  If you have questions, contact me.  There is also an area of games and other activities.  Check them out, but note that there seems to be a problem with the “more practice” section of the site.